

ezEditTable is a javascript code aimed at enhancing regular HTML tables by adding features such as inline editing components, advanced selection and keyboard navigation. With just a line of code you can easily convert a regular HTML table in an advanced editable and selectable grid control.

Main features


To install ezEditTable unzip the download package and then include the following scripts and stylesheet files in the head section of your page:

	<link href="ezEditTable/ezEditTable.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
	<script src="ezEditTable/ezEditTable.js"></script>

Make sure the table you'd like to make editable or selectable has an unique id and a thead and tbody sections.

Here you have an example of a regular html table:

From Destination Road Distance (km) By Air (hrs) By Rail (hrs)
Sydney Adelaide 1412 1.4 25.3
Sydney Brisbane 982 1.5 16
Sydney Canberra 286 .6 4.3
Sydney Melbourne 872 1.1 10.5
Adelaide Perth 2781 3.1 38
Adelaide Alice Springs 1533 2 20.25
Adelaide Brisbane 2045 2.15 40

Below the same table enhanced by the script (id="table1"), click to select a row or use keys to move the selection:

From Destination Road Distance (km) By Air (hrs) By Rail (hrs)
Sydney Adelaide 1412 1.4 25.3
Sydney Brisbane 982 1.5 16
Sydney Canberra 286 .6 4.3
Sydney Melbourne 872 1.1 10.5
Adelaide Perth 2781 3.1 38
Adelaide Alice Springs 1533 2 20.25
Adelaide Brisbane 2045 2.15 40

There are 2 different ways to call the script:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	var et = setEditTable("table1");
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	var et = new EditTable('table1');

If your document contains several tables (like this page), it is important to define unique ids, otherwise the script will not work properly.

The setEditTable() function or the EditTable class accepts 2 additional parameters that will be explained in the next tables. In the example below, by specifing a row number as a "start" row, we tell the script from which row can start the selection, this is helpful when the tbody and thead sections are not defined:

This is the table caption
From Destination Road Distance (km) By Air (hrs) By Rail (hrs)
Sydney Adelaide 1412 1.4 25.3
Sydney Brisbane 982 1.5 16
Sydney Canberra 286 .6 4.3
Sydney Melbourne 872 1.1 10.5
Adelaide Perth 2781 3.1 38
Adelaide Alice Springs 1533 2 20.25
Adelaide Brisbane 2045 2.15 40
var et02 = setEditTable("table2", 2);


var et02 = new EditTable("table2", 2);

By default, the script adds a single row selection feature to the table. You could decide to also add a cell selection feature and make the cells editable, double-click on a cell to see:

This is the table caption
From Destination Road Distance (km) By Air (hrs) By Rail (hrs)
Sydney Adelaide 1412 1.4 25.3
Sydney Brisbane 982 1.5 16
Sydney Canberra 286 .6 4.3
Sydney Melbourne 872 1.1 10.5
Adelaide Perth 2781 3.1 38
Adelaide Alice Springs 1533 2 20.25
Adelaide Brisbane 2045 2.15 40

To do that you just need to declare a literal object (configuration object) in which you specify the features you would like to enable:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	var table3Config = {
		default_selection: 'both',
		editable: true,
		auto_save: false						
 	var et03 = setTableEdit("table3", 2, table3Config);


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	var table3Config = {
		default_selection: 'both',
		editable: true,
		auto_save: false						
	var et03 = new EditTable("table3", 2 ,table3Config);

You can name the configuration object as you want, but don't forget to add it to the parameters of the setEditTable() function or EditTable class. It is important to respect the syntax and naming convention as shown above. page.


For more information about the script's configuration check out the documentation page. Complete API documentation is available in the purchased package.

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